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Flora Original Portion Packs 200 x 10g​

  • Includes
    Made with sunflower and canola oil
  • Includes
    Contains 65% less saturated fat than butter
  • Includes
    Natural Colours and Flavours
  • Includes
    Spreads Easily
  • Includes
    Tastes Delicious

Weight: 2.5kg, Weight per serving/portion - 10g

Keep refrigerated 1-5'C

Best Before when stored under chilled (1-5’C) conditions 365 days (12 months)

Contains Milk & Soybean

Ovo lacto Vegetarian - No

Halal - Not Suitable

Vegan - No

Sunflower Oil (Minimum 35%), Vegetable Oils, Water, Salt, Milk Solids, Emulsifiers (Soybean Lecithin, 471), Preservative (202), Food Acid (Citric Acid), Vitamins (A,D), Natural Flavour, Natural Colour(160a).

Contains Milk And Soybean

Servings per pack: 200  



Serving Size: 10g




Qty+ per serving     

Qty+ per 100g     


278 kJ

2780 kJ


Less than 0.1 g

Less than 1 g

Fat, total

7.5 g

75 g


2.0 g

19.6 g


0.07 g

0.68 g


3.0 g

30.0 g


1.9 g

18.5 g


Less than 0.1 g

Less than1 g


Less than 0.1 g

Less than1 g


50 mg

500 mg

+Average values



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Talk to us

Debra Green
National Business Manager
+61 481 249 656

Wesley Valenton
Business Development Chef
+61 473 524 964